10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants That Still Have The Wow Factor

Indoor plants are a gorgeous way to add some color to your home. However, we all know Odie sometimes has a habit of eating things he’s not supposed to. So, how do you decorate your apartment with greenery and blossoms while keeping a safe environment for your dog or cat?
Unfortunately, many houseplants are toxic for our naturally curious furry friends. That’s not to say all house plants are inherently dangerous to pets, but the reality is that many leaves and even flowers contain toxins that can make dogs and cats sick if ingested. In mild cases, these toxins can give your pet an upset stomach, but in severe cases (and depending on the amount ingested), some plants can make it difficult for your pet to breathe and even lead to death. Luckily, there are plenty of houseplants that are safe for pets so you keep your home a pet-friendly garden oasis!
We’ve put together a list of beautiful pet-friendly houseplants that will still give you place that “wow” factor without compromising your pet’s safety. And the best part is many of these pet-friendly houseplants can be found at your local greenhouse or garden center!
10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants To Consider
See how easy it can be to incorporate pet-friendly houseplants into your home? Houseplants that are safe for pets don’t need to be expensive or boring and can look just as beautiful, minimalistic, or unique as you want them to be! These dog-friendly and cat-friendly houseplants are just a handful of greens that are non-toxic for our furry friends, but there are plenty more than you can find through your own research or vet recommendation!
And if your pet ever does ingest a toxic plant (or anything else they shouldn’t be eating), make sure you’re prepared with comprehensive pet insurance.
Explore how Odie Pet Insurance can help your pet. Get all the information so you can make the best decisions for their health. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters.
Trying to find the right vet for your companion? You can read more about choosing a vet that gets your pet here.