Does July 4th Make Your Dog Anxious?

Here are some helpful hints to keep your dog calm this Independence Day.
The Fourth of July is only a few days away, so many dog owners will be dealing with stressed and anxious dogs as those dazzling fireworks take over the sky. The Fourth is also the day when these flashing lights and loud bangs cause stressed-out pups to run away from home.
So how do you help your pup while you, your friends, and your family enjoy the fireworks show? Here are seven tips that should help you and your dog enjoy an easygoing Independence Day.
1. Keep your dog inside.
Whether you’re going to a firework show or just watching them from home, it is best to keep your dog inside to limit the noise they are exposed to. If you have curtains and shades, be sure to close them to block out the flashing lights and help out the noise suppression.
2. Turn on the television or radio to keep your dog company.
Having noise in the house not only blocks out some of the firework noise but it will also help distract your dog from all those loud bangs.
3. Make a safe space for your dog.
Put your dog in a room that they will feel safe in. If your dog likes their crate, put that in the room with them. Be sure to put all their favorite toys and blankets in the room or crate to keep them happy and calm. Putting an item of your clothing in the room/crate can also help them feel more comfortable.
4. Comfort your dog.
If you decide to stay home, let your dog sit with you to help them relax and feel comfortable. Being with someone they know and trust will help soothe any of the anxiety or fear they are experiencing.
5. Take your dog on a walk before the fireworks start.
Let your dog go to the bathroom and tire out a little bit before the fireworks start. You don’t want to have to take your dog outside while fireworks are still going off, as it may scare them significantly more than if they were inside at home.
6. Fill your dog’s water bowl.
When dogs get nervous, they tend to pant a lot and will get thirsty, so make sure they have plenty to drink. It is also a good idea to feed your dog before all the commotion starts, as they may not want to eat when they get anxious.
7. Make sure your dog has proper ID.
Double-check your dog has his collar on with an updated name tag and contact information. You’ll also want to make sure your dog is microchipped with a GPS-capable chip. If they are not already, be sure to get this done as soon as possible. Microchipping has reconnected thousands of dogs with their loved ones.
From the Odie Team, have a safe and happy Fourth of July!
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